Mawile had clearly been caught off guard by that, expecting Azumarill to slam into her front instead, having already set up her jaws to block in that direction. Following that up with a speed that made her difficult to track, Azumarill disappeared with Aqua Jet only to appear off to the side of Mawile. To start it off, Azumarill set up an Aqua Ring to offset the injuries she would sustain from both Mawile and the Life Orb that hung around her neck. With nothing else delaying them, the battle finally began. Azumarill wanted to battle Mega Mawile, and Mawile wanted to battle right back. However, I couldn’t let that distract me. I saw a few of them holding out their devices to record, and I couldn’t help but to feel a bit embarrassed. I was wary of the fact so many people had moved in to watch, but it wasn’t every day that a Mega Evolution happened just off the side of a Pokémon Center. It reminded me of a cymbal, and the growing crowd flinched at the sudden loud noise. The powerful bites caused a sharp snapping sound to ring out. When Mawile’s transformation was over, she snapped both of her large jaws closed to flex her enhanced muscles. I was told the fact that I had both received training from the Mega Evolution Guru and had used Mega Evolution to beat Lysandre helped with the decision. Because I received the key to Kalos (which I still wasn’t over), I had also received permission to Mega Evolve my Pokémon without a Gym Leader present. Mawile’s form began to glow, and a few trainers on the sidelines looked over to watch, amazed. Using the tricks Gurkinn taught me, I focused on the goal that I knew Mawile would be following: beating Azumarill. With that reminder out of the way, I held my arm up and stared at Mawile, psyching myself up for the incoming battle. Don’t get too ahead of yourselves,” I said. “Remember this is a spar, not a real battle. Her eyes were completely locked onto Mawile, who was staring back with a similarly determined focus. She just waved me off and grinned in response. “Azumarill, just so you know, I will have to root against you to maintain Mawile’s Mega Evolution,” I said. More specifically, she challenged Mega Mawile.Īzumarill would be at an extreme disadvantage, but I think that just served to motivate her even more. However, Azumarill just couldn’t wait any longer and challenged Mawile to a spar. It had only been two days since I left the Pokémon Center, and Ninetales was still asleep. I, on the other hand, was currently sitting on a chair off to the side of the field. Across from her, Mawile opened and closed her jaws, stretching her muscles before they began. Azumarill positioned herself at the edge of the battlefield, taking up a stance to ready herself for the fighters.